Create Slack application to check if given url is malicious through
This document will guide you step-by-step on how to create a Slack app for URL scanning using the RapidForge platform. We will use Slack and to scan URLs and provide real-time feedback on the scanned links.
Once the app is created, copy the OAuth credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) and save them for later use.
Setting up
Visit the website and sign up for a free account.
Once you've signed up, create a new API key and save it for later use.
Saving the credentials
Now that we have all the necessary credentials, we can save them in RapidForge. Open RapidForge and navigate to the Credentials section. Click on the Create New Credential button and select OAuth.
Fill in the following fields:
Name: Slack
Client ID: Paste the Client ID from your Slack OAuth app
Client Secret: Paste the Client Secret from your Slack OAuth app
Next, we need to save the credentials for Open RapidForge and navigate to the Credentials section. Click on the Create New Credential button and select Text.
Fill in the following fields:
Name: UrlScan
Text: Paste the API key from your account
Click on the Save button to save the credentials.
For the next step, you can follow this video to create a Slack app.